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Sustainability of Restaurant Business: What You Need to Know

  • Description

Food and beverage control may be defined as the guidance and regulation of the costs and revenue of operating the catering activity in a food and beverage establishment. A successful holistic food and beverage control is imperative for any type of food and beverage operation regardless of its size. The cost of food and beverage can range from 25% to up to 50% depending on the type of operation. Restaurant managers and their staff work hard to provide the quality products and services that attract and keep guests returning. The revenue you receive must be safeguarded until deposited in your property’s bank account. The manager must develop procedures, policies, and systems to ensure that the money earned by the restaurant will ultimately be deposited in its bank account.

This award equips you with all you need to excel in managing the revenue control and analyzing the menu performance while ensuring the profitability of each menu produced.

Level of Programme: Certificate Level
Credit Value: 1
Mode of Delivery: Online
Mode of Assessment: Assessments via quizzes/ MCQ, and assignments
Delivery Timeline: NA
Credit Transfer: Part of Hospitality Management / Tourism Management Programme
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